Rotary de Belvidere(Illinois, USA), Rotary Casablanca et ATD renforcent l’enseignement a Timoulilt

The Rotary/ATD Timoulilt Morocco Project(TMP) Rotary International (Belvidere and Casablanca sections) worked hand in hand with ATD to renovate classes for preschools in the village of Timoulilt, Morocco. The project took 3 years to elaborate and was led by Moha Bouacha of The Belvidere Rotary, Illinois, USA. A $52,000 Grant from the rotary funded the renovations of preschools that serve around 150 children. –Many thanks to all who contributed to elaborate this project. Please see details bellow.   Dans le cadre de l’encouragement et du développeme nt de l’enseignement préscolaire, l’ATD a inauguré le 29/09/2018 l’achèvement du « Projet Maroc … Continue reading Rotary de Belvidere(Illinois, USA), Rotary Casablanca et ATD renforcent l’enseignement a Timoulilt